20. What do I have to do to earn commissions in Trafficwave?

To receive a commission from Trafficwave, you must be in "Paid" status & have at least 1 personal referral. New members who join via your link through the TWMMS count as your "personal referrals". You can see the details here, but if you have 1 personal referral, you will receive commissions on the first 3 levels of your Trafficwave downline. This is the "Surfer" level.

If you have 5 personal referrals, you receive commissions through 5 levels of the Trafficwave matrix. This is called the "Tidalwave" level.

If you have 10 personal referrals, you receive commissions through 10 levels of the Trafficwave matrix. This is called the "Tsunami" level.