19. How do I see my downline in TWMMS, Trafficwave, and Just Been Paid?

You won’t get sign-ups in TWMMS per se’ … What happens is people visit the TWMMS websites and when they click on the Step 1 button and join Trafficwave, that’s when you get a sign-up.  The TWMMS system is just a marketing system; it doesn’t have a separate downline of its own, and it doesn't pay an income.

  You can see your downline in Trafficwave by logging into Trafficwave.net, clicking on “Affiliate Mgr”, and then “Affiliate Reporting”. If you have a downline, it will show up in blue bars in the center of that page. If you click the little magnifying glass on the left end of each blue bar, you can see who is in your downline on that level.

For Profit Clicking, you have to log in at Profit Clicking and click on the “Referrals” button. This will show you any sign-ups you have. You don’t have to have any sign-ups to make money with Profit Clicking, but if you do get sign-ups, they increase the number of positions you have and that increases the rate at which you earn money through Profit Clicking.  You also need to view at least 3 sites per day to qualify for your Profit Clicking commissions.